LOUD AND CLEAR is the message to Pakistan we will not let you proceed with development in your country that easily. The development of CPEC is unacceptable. Shift from the policy of uncle Sam and bear the consequences.
Islamabad had earlier facilitated negotiations between the afghan Taliban and the afghan government also invited was the Chinese and the Americans. Before long it was as clear as crystal that the Americans never wanted the talks to succeed. In fact it was blamed by many from Pakistan that it was the Americans and their stooge government in Afghanistan that had sabotaged the talks either by bombing the negotiating factions of Taliban and leaking the news of the death of Mullah Omar rite before the talks began.

Even with all their sincerity for peace in Afghanistan the government in Islamabad could not succeed. why one may ask Islamabad was and is so desperate for peace in Afghanistan. The simple answer to that question is the peace in Afghanistan is directly related to prosperity and development in Pakistan. What could have Pakistan done in such a precarious situation nothing one might think...but the strategists in Pakistan came up with a brilliant idea?
Pakistan pitched the idea of the danger the Taliban-Isis alliance posed to the Chinese and the Russians it took more than a year and lo and behold you had Moscow talks between the three nations discussing peace in Afghanistan. The talks in Moscow were severely criticized in Afghanistan India and USA for obvious reasons. The three nations i.e. Russia china and Pakistan had obviously agreed upon a set method of dealing with the threat and thus the next round was planned where in India Afghanistan and Iran were also invited. These talks were held on 15th of February.
Round about the same time a massive phase of new terror attacks was launched inside Pakistan. The perpetrators called themselves jammat ul ehrar are an offshoot of tehreek e Taliban Pakistan with links to Isis. Isis claimed another attack at sehwan at a shrine in Sindh. Within a few days nearly 100 people were killed and the message was very loud and clear.
So far no real news of the current round of talks has been heard of in the media. There is more than a fare chance the talks failed because of the positions taken by the afghan government and India. It can also be speculated the Russian government by now would have understood that India will not alter its path of following the dictates of us policy in Afghanistan. In fact the process to punish the architect of the process has already begun. The recent terror wave has been launched from inside afghan territory by terrorists backed by RAW .
It is not going to be too hard to counter these recent waves of foreign sponsored terror attacks in Pakistan by the very well trained and accustomed Pakistan army. But it is even more important that this time around the government of Pakistan takes even more serious measures by re invigorating the drive to send back afghan refugees. The afghan refugees are a major recruiting ground for terrorists. In addition the government must scale down its current so called negotiations between political parties about military courts. The courts must start functioning at once without much fuss. The pending sentences of death for terrorists must at once be carried out. Effective border control measures must be taken re launched with renewed vigor. One effective method of doing so is recruitment of people from the border areas into a new western border force with proper training. For the time being the most effective measure can be to put pressure on the afghan government to flush out all such terrorist elements at the same time making sure that no such elements remain on this side of the border involved in any activities across the border in Afghanistan.

Precise covert opps with the knowledge of afghan government should also be pitched so that if the afghan government is unable to take action on such Intel the Pakistan government could take them out. This can only be achieved by sitting on table and convincing the other side of mutual benefits. 
Meanwhile Pakistan needs to pursue an active aggressive foreign policy rite now. Showcasing the proof of foreign involvement in the terror activity reinforcing its mutual vision with other nations specially Iran, Russia, Turkey, China and other central Asian nations is of extreme importance. Difficult times lie ahead as Pakistan will most certainly maintain focus on its economy while making sure the terror factor is kept in check. The truth is it is going to be well nigh impossible to exterminate the threat until and unless there is a complete change in Afghanistan. Till the time the American puppet government remains in power in Afghanistan peace is not possible in Pakistan or for that matter in Afghanistan and it will be a constant threat to the security of Russia, China and Iran as well. If these nations have to take forward their agenda of progress they will have to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan together.  


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