gender discrimination

Sexism or gender discrimination is fact we find undeniable even in the so called developed or western nations. it is present everywhere in some form around the world a lot of hue and cry is raised over the issue by the media focusing on the eastern societies specially Islamic nations and the sexism or gender related issues gripping the west are to a large extent totally ignored.
The term sexism in fact means preferential treatment given to a certain sex over the opposite sex although true to both sexes it is mostly true in fact for the females all around the world.
The bias over the issue can involve a lot of issues for example low pay for the fairer sex than their counterparts in the same position taking women to be as sexual objects in the offices and mostly in the media to the beatings women receive from there spouses all these issues are present in the west but without the limelight they deserve in the media.
Despite the fact women are declared to be equal in all the western nations they have not been excepted as leaders in any capacity may it be the corporate sector or the political setup of course some exceptions do exist .
Sexism in the work place :gender discrimination exists in most workplaces from being an object of behind the back jokes to giving preferential treatment given to the more compliant women as to the women who challenge the setup are quietly sidelined.
To me the most hateful form sexism which is rampant in the western world is the iconisation of the female form in to something only sexual through the media the media shows us a certain face of the female sex anything deviating from that image is thought to be not cool the image effects women all around the world and they continuously strive to attain the image all there lives forgetting there is more to a person than looks… 


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