sex education in schools

                     The question of sex education among the pupil of schools has been a long debated one and one that has created much controversy. When we put the word education behind the word sex it should become evident to anyone with an iota of common sense that education on no matter what subject is absolutely vital to the growth of human mind, be it sex education or otherwise the only question which arises is who should be taught or in other words at what grade the children in schools should be introduced to the subject and with what materials. This can easily be decided as the subject has been already taught in many places with different policies and there results are available today. Another question is why is it necessary for this subject to be taught to students in schools and the simplest and best answer is so that they have access to the rite knowledge instead of misinformation and information from sources which may manipulate them to their twisted ends. In addition the subject is an answer to the natural need of any teen who seeks knowledge about the different changes taking place in his/her body which can affect his emotional state dramatically to the positive or negative. Therefore the subject of sex education is an absolute must in schools.
There are many sound arguments supporting this view point first and foremost being that the subject ingrains a sound knowledge among the pupil which eliminates all misconceptions about sex in a young mind and the impact sex will have on their lives in the future. They (teens) experience a sudden surge of hormones in their bodies and other physical changes in the body and the subject provides the rite type of guidance and answers arisen in their young minds. There is a certain interest in the opposite sex at that time and sex education can help keep their tendencies in check by providing the knowledge about the opposite sex. Another great benefit of the subject is preventing child sexual abuse cases as they can better identify sexual predators with the help of the information provided to them through this channel. We should also keep in mind in this world of today information is unstoppable and rather get it from the rite source than a bad one for example in the absence of the subject a child may turn towards to the pornographic materials or be abused sexually both ways a permanent dent in the emotional state of the child will be permanent. Another problem today is the teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases which in the presence of the subject could be curbed down. All in all the subject of sex education helps develop a more informed safe and healthy adult.
Abstinence is the magic word which should be the drive behind any program run in any school although preventive measures should be also touched upon but it is true there is no perfect method of prevention today the pills have side effects on the female the condoms could fail as well. Another method could be to make the students well aware of the undesirable effects of unprotected sex which could motivate them towards abstinence or at least protected sex. When we make the students aware and well informed about the subject they will understand that it is their body and they need to take care of it. One issue that could arise is the issue of trust and privacy it would be absolutely necessary for the teachers to be confidential and develop a trust relationship with the students.
It is by now evident profoundly that sex education can prove to be a great tool in developing a safer and healthier society which is the ultimate goal , however the opponents of the idea of which are many site reasons such as the subject gives rise to vulgarity or may encourage the young to have sex which are in reality far from the truth because if rightly maneuvered a sex education program will definitely discourage vulgarity by explaining the cons of it and the emphasis on abstinence will discourage sexual activity at best or promote safe sex at worst. Another problem is the religious misconceptions which may be a hindrance in the way of sex education as far as in Pakistan this can be overcome by adding a religious angle in the curriculum for example by including ahadees on the subject which are there. This program could also be bungled due to lack of fully trained teachers on the subject which would surely make it a failure. The answer to which could only be by producing qualified teachers and the subject being taught at the university level as well. Therefore we can easily deduce that the subject though being immensely important has to be tackled carefully only then can we observe the full benefits of sex education in the society.


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