Burning Pakistan Rising Again


The days of peace and tranquility are all but gone seldom is a day when you do not hear of a mishap in the country from Khyber to Mehran Pakistan is burning.The fire was there in fact it has been there ever since the nation came into being but now it is raging with many dimensions the fire of terrorism and extremism the fire of inflation the fire of confusion in fact there is no shame in admitting we Pakistanis are at this time a confused people a people who are being manipulated by the world powers to meet there own interests and in all the mayhem no one seems to remember in fact the very reason we came into existence.

i believe if this is the nation which was envisioned by the fathers of the nation than i feel sorry to say it was a mistake it would have been better to live in a united India but the truth is this is not the case no matter how grievous and huge our setbacks the people of Pakistan are not yet broken they have there hopes living and that is what what makes Pakistan a living and aspiring nation ...

slowly and truly the enemies of Pakistan are surrounding it making it weaker and weaker
softening the target before devouring it,but we will defeat them God willing with our superior resilience.
The above was from 2012 and i find myself pleasantly glad to observe the current situation much improved and Pakistan sort of standing on a launchpad towards prosperity peace and progress their is still a lot to be done the leaders of the nation need to understand the next 10 years are extremely important if they would ask me the no 1 job should be to educate our youth in trades a skillful populace specially the kind we have i.e young resilient energetic people we can beat anything whatever the challenge or odds may be the best weapon we have is our PEOPLE.   


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